
Write Resume Online: Say “No” to Resume Templates


Struggling to get your resume done from scratch? Many job-seekers do; and to save their time and effort, most refer to ready-made solutions. Both resume builders and resume templates are incredibly popular these days – and overuse of both will negatively affect your job search, most career experts agree.

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Resume templates are usually blanks which you can fill in section by section. The internet is full of MS Word and Google Docs templates said developed by ‘resume experts’. Nobody knows who those experts were, but this fact doesn’t lessen the popularity of this method of resume creation.

Builders work a bit differently: on a certain website, you are asked to enter your information step by step, and then receive a bright resume available for download. Both ways are either free or imply a small fee for use.

So why resume templates don’t work for your career?

4 reasons to say 'No' to templates

1. They kill your uniqueness. At the first slight, those well-structured templates look attractive – that’s why you consider using them. However, both HR experts and companies that write resume will spot a resume template in a matter of moment. Let’s say, they’ve seen hundreds of cookie-cutter resumes, and none of them evoke the interest in the potential candidate. 
A template shouts, “I’m pretty much like everyone else and am not very good at crafting resumes”. It isn’t the message you want them to get, is it?

2. Templates are sub-standard. I’ve seen many templates and have to admit they are very different from resumes professional writers work on. Irrelevant order of sections, too bright design making them look unprofessional, sample phrases – all this don’t make your resume look to a high standard. While the resume rewrite services develop design and structure especially for you, templates with your information inserted often look bulky and their structure gets ruined – so it starts working against you.

3. Fine design will be destroyed. You have probably heard of ATS: But did you know that ATS destroys all design and graphic elements during the selection? All tables, fancy fonts and bright paragraphs will turn into a mess which is hard to read – so the hiring manager unlikely will.
Overuse of design can play tricks on you. When it comes to resume, better opt for simpler design to make sure it’s saved after the selection.

4. Don’t save on your future. A valuable argument for most job-seekers is that templates and builders are either free or charge a token payment, like $10. In comparison with resume writers charging from $100 to $600 for a resume, the economy is significant. Nevertheless, this is sort of investment that usually pays off. Any resume builder won’t show you mistakes which make recruiters trash your resume again and again. Need I say that a hand-made resume has hard times trying to compete with professionally crafted documents of other candidates applying for the same position?

So, should I pay someone to write my resume if I want a quality result? You may ask. Well…if your career history is pretty clear and you know well how to sell your skills on paper, you can give it a try. However, avoid using templates and builders you’ve found on the internet and try to develop the design of your resume yourself.

Seeking where to write a resume online? No need to browse the web any longer. Our CV experts offer a wide range of resume services, from a single resume to an all-inclusive package. Our Prices are affordable – check now what it takes to get immediate resume assistance.

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